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My Favorite Designed Object

Ikea restaurant is one of my favorite designed objects
Newly remodeled Ikea restaurants in the US have three different sections: one for shoppers who want to grab and go. One for family dinning, and a coffee shop called Fika, which means having coffee in Swedish. According to an article on Business Today, Ikea sells food so that customers would sty for longer. Even though the sale of food creates a small portion of the 42 billion revenue IKEA generated in 2017, 30% of the customers go to IKEA just to eat.
Ikea applies the democratic design philosophy of their furnitures to their food, which emphasize sustainability, low prices, high quality, and elegant form.

Ikea food packagings are designed by Stockholm Design Lab. They focused on the client's brand of "simplicity, clarity, consistency, and a sprinkling of wit."