Established in an expired tub of Gin, Qactus Taqueria has become a well known Mexican restaurant among the Hollywood and Los Angeles population of escaped parots. We are passionate about bringing authentic Mexican cuisine to our feathered friends, but we are happy to let humans have some leftovers, for the right price.
Our consistency and authentic tasting food, handed down from Del Taco, has lead us to where we are today: El Passo. We currently have four locations, none of which serve walk up customers. Los Angeles residents qualify for free, four-day shipping.
We are well known in the community for our variety of Mexican dishes in our breakfast, lunch and dinner menus. You really only want the breakfast. It's fantastic. But, like, if you're damaged, whatever. You make your own calls in this life. We're just here to ship you four-day old burritos, man.