Getting To Know U(RL)

My Background

The Motherland

I was born in Nha Trang, Vietnam, but I moved to the states before I could even learn to walk and talk. I really want to go back to visit someday and get in touch with my culture and my people so time in the future. In regards to where I grew up, I was raised in the Bay Area (Mountain View) but moved to the San Gabriel Valley just a little over 2 years ago and have been here ever since.


I graduated from UCLA back in 2019 with a double degree in Anthropology and Sociology, but due to the circumstances that have arise due to the current pandemic, I wanted to go back in school and expland on my knowledge on graphic design. I hope to learn more throughout my time her at Santa Monica College!


I am currently a full time student, but I plan on recieving my associates in graphic design by December of this year and hope to start looking for employment!

Hobbies and Interest

I love watching anime and listening to KPOP. In my free time, I also enjoy doing graphic design.

My Supervillian Origin Story

Paralell parking and LA traffic