
<h1> This is the h1. The h1 should always be in the header. </h1>

<h2> This is the h2. The h2 should always be in the header. </h2>


This is the main.

The main should always be between the header and the footer.

The main always contains section tags inside of it.


<h3> This is the h3. The h3 should always be in the section. </h3>


This is the h4.


<h3> This is the h3. The h3 should always be in the section. </h3>


This is the h4.


<h3> This is the h3. The h3 should always be in the section. </h3>


This is the h4.


<h3> This is the h3. The h3 should always be in the section. </h3>


This is the h4.
