WHAT WORKS & NOT Straight off the bat, there is a notice from the restaurant that it is temporarily closed. It also offers options from other sister restaurants, and the optionns to continue to site. On their home site, the front page and navigation is clean and I can easily choose between what I want. I, myself is a huge fan of all the Jon and Vinny restaurants around Los Angeles and as an lover of good cooking and expensive taste, I would love to have an about page that mentions some what of the history and creators info. As a diner, I want to be able to experience not only the food but where it comes from and how the ideas sparked in order to make such a delicious meal. I would honestly not go for a minimal look, although I know the restaurant's interior design is very plain and simple, I'd like to go for something that is a bit more in the colorful side. Animal in my opinion is about the love of meat. The obsession of how to really make the meat become the main focus of the meal. The ingredients acts a part, like the side actors, or the production team, but the meat is really the main actor and the superstar. There is also a lack of social media links. A gallery of photos would also be nice to see, how the food would look, unless the client would like to keep the food aesthetics a secret until the diner comes to experience it for themselves. I also see another set of navigation of other restaurant businesses they own at the top of the main navigation. Not a big issue for me, but I do not really care about it.

Clean introduction, plain and simple. Very clear on location, telephone/contact number, hours. Background is an image of the restaurant showing it's bare minimum look. I would like to change this by not showing the background but designing either a mimimalistic design or something vibrant or colorful that reflects the restaurant's energy.

Straight forward to the menu look. I like this idea, it works for me because as previous diner, I would remember this menu design because it is the exact replica if you were to dine in, the menu design would have the same text style and alignment. To make some changes, I would take out the background, again, if my client would want a minimal look that they are going for, I would maybe have the menu look like a "real menu" looking style. If I were to take it to a different direction, I would add in some red and warm tones to really make a hungry feeling for meat. This minimalistic is a bit too basic and plain for my taste. I think something weird, quirky, and different would really make a pop.

This page on the navigation takes me to a RESY app that pops on the screen. Since it is COVID-19, I was not able to book a date, and so it refers me to other sister locations like Jon & Vinny's and Son of a Gun (couple of my other favorites!). This doesn't bother me, if another app takes over, but the reservation would most likley be better if the user has the RESY app on their phone. The RESY app is brilliant in making reservations but if I were a user that would hate to download the app, I would most likely forget the date, or just take my time going through my email. For me, I think i'd keep the RESY app on the reservation page, it helps the company itself make sure it keeps its own list of reservation dates one one existing location, this makes the organization for the restaurant more kept and in place. Not sure whats the best option.

Clean and simple. I like the map that pops on the screen, although I could swap the map for an interactive map, or have more street signs to locate it better. It is also small and unclear, I'd probably make it larger for those who have a hard time viewing small text. The address, contact info, and hours are also great to see, but I'd make the map much larger to view. Subcription is located at the bottom, which is also a great way to have more customers sign up for changes in menus or events.

Once I open up this page, I immediately see if there is open job opputnities. This is great because it tells me instantly if they are looking for hire or not. I can also browse other sister businesses and check to see what is avaiable. This makes the user have a quick use of the page, it is easy to read and to use. Again it is powered by another app interface, and so I'm not sure if I have power in controling the look and style.

On the catering page, it pops up a new tab for Carmelized Productions which is by the same owners of the Jon & Vinny businesses. This I do not mind at all since the brand would like to cater the resturant to a different section of their company. It works for me.

Merch is always important!! I like this idea a lot. I notice things things that also appear once I click on the add to bag option a cart button appears at the corner right side, which I think is great because it only appears once I start shopping or adding things to my cart. It doesnt bother with the navigation menu, although it is clear on where it is and I think that is important to have.

This page again is essential especially for those in need to have a larger group of guests. The design is once again simple, it goes with the whole website vibe and design. Very clean and aethestically simple, but easy to get to where the user needs to be. The reservation booking is located towards the bottom which is nice because I'd like to read the requirements and details before I book a spot.


BESTIA is also located in Los Angeles, towards the downtown area. The website is phenomenal. It really introduces the restaurant as to what it is, on the home page there is some text stating about opening hours for COVID-19 and a small statement about safety and regulations. They also promote their FeedLoveLA foundation which is another great way to advertise other businesses they own. Towards the bottom I see a set of two menus for drinks and food. This brings me straight to where I want see menus for both! At the footer, we see a call to action for their social media and hashtags, which is another great way to promote and view the restaurant over social media. Address, hours, newsletters, careers, and reservation rules are also located at the bbottom. ANIMAL on the other hand displays a much clearer idea of the restaurant info right from the start. BESTIA has the idea of introducing the restaurant energy and vibe as the intro, then makes the user look for the information afterwards. I also notice the menu collapses into a menu icon when I shift browser to make it more narrower. BESTIA also shows images of their food, which was lacking on ANIMAL's website.

SPACCA located on Melrose Avenue is another meat dining experience restaurant. From the home page there is a pop up about COVD-19 regualtions and notice that they are open. The pop-up however travels if I do not close it, as I scroll down the page. Unlike ANIMAL, the first thing I see is the logo and a background image of meat on a grill. Yum. I scroll down immediately go for the menu button. The navigation itself is collapsed into a menu icon (lines), which is not bad, it still clean and quick if I need to quickly access the menu while I am towards the bottom of the page. Throughout the home page, I do like the idea of seeing the restaurant's events that are happening even during COVID. As I scroll down more, I see a button and picture press, which shows the restuarant's popularity. Private dining and reservations come after when I scroll down further, I am able to book my dates on the next page. Towards the bottom there are other options for me to choose such as careers and the restaurant's word on their sustainability commitment. As a viewer, I do appreciate the restaurant's awareness for the environment's care. The footer displays the address, contact info, FAQ, terms of use, and sitemap. Their social media is located at the very bottom left end. I never understood what a sitemap was until I clicked on it, and realized its just page for all navigations if you are in a hurry to look at on specific thing. I think it's cool to have, but not sure if I want to keep it for my redesign. I do think this website is better because again, more pictures and the restaurant's reputation with the press, and duty for the earth's sustainabily. There is a quick access to the menu at all times.


is located on Sunset Boulevard and is another meat lover's location. It is both a restaurant and a deli shop with a great selection of wine and beer to pair with your meal. One thing instantly that bothered me is that I had a hard time figuring out if it was even a restaurant to begin with. The home page instantly goes into making the user choose, the Butcher Shop or Gwen to Go (Take out). I realized when I took the time to check out Gwen to Go that was their restaurant for take out and pick up. Both options still link me to the same browser, not a new tab opening which was a bit annoying because on the Gwen to Go option, there was no link for me to go back to the main page. But I understand the interface because the menu option are so much, that I think they may have taken this direction to make a seperate tab just to organize it better and single it out on it's own. The search bar is also easy to access which is good for local visitors to easily search up what they want. The Butcher Shop however is a bit more raw, as in, they really show the meat hanging from a hook, slicing of the meat, and the meat curing/aging. It honestly was a bit much for me, but that is what GWEN is recognized as a meat lover's destination. Back to the front page, I scroll down more and see that GWEN has The Market Place which is the grocery section for people to shop certain meats, spices, and drinks. This section also states the address of GWEN and opening hours. It does not specify if it was specifically for the Market place itself or the restaurant. Towards the middle of the front page, we see the creators faces and info, Curtis and Luke. We also have some text and info about them. Towards the bottom, we see The Store section. Now I am confused of the difference of The Store, The Market Place, and the Butcher Shop. I click on the link and it just takes me to choose a selection of meat based on pictures and text. I guess this is also for an online shopping and pick up service. The website in general is hard to get a hold on to navigate back to the front page, since there is no sign of "home". The website is a bit all over the place but it does it's job in really getting the restaurant's look of a meat lover's place. There are many photos of the food, meats, and how they treat the meat. It really brings the character that I think ANIMAL lacks.