
The project and the designer.

Web Design 2: Personal Website


Hi, my name is Jonathan and I am currently a student studying at Santa Monica College. This website is an educational and research project for web design 2 taught by Professor Ian Besler through Santa Monica College’s Design Technology department. The curriculum of this class focuses on learning how to design a website using: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. As students, our assignments are designed around learning through each lesson given to us. Each lesson contains specific readings, videos, student discussions, and assignments. All content used on this site is meant to be used for all of the usages by the designer of the website:

  1. For strictly educational and non-commercial purposes as a way to produce content for an educational setting.
  2. To improve upon and / or learn new material that improve web design skills.
  3. To showcase our skills: what we have learned and our creativity.

To learn more about the work: credits, copyright, privacy, and more information about this project, please visit the “class” footer navigation link. Thank you for visiting my project.