What questions need to be answered in order to complete this project?
I have questions about the project in the first place. Why are we selecting a web redesign but then changing all the brandind? Where are we going to find the content in this case? Wouldn't it be easier to design our own restaurant website without redesigning somebody elses? I would rather create my own webpage with my own photos and other content. At the end we'll all need to do the same, but there is this confusion as per redesigning that makes no sense.
What tasks do we need to complete in order to successfully design this website?
Not too much instructions and to allow students to design what they like.
What issues need to be solved?
The most famous restaurant in the world has the most simple webpage, so as long as the food is good, the website needs to just share information on when and where to get the food:
What is our schedule?
The schedule is the same as the class schedule.
Based on the content I have, there is two ways I can go about this project. First is to make a mock up restaurant webpage with photos of food that I've taken. It will be more of a food photography portfolio website than a restaurant one. Some inspirations are:
This will be more of a photography/lifestyle/cooking website rather than a restaurant one.
Second is to actually make a web page for a guy who was selling vegan Mexican food at LA markets. This is his current website:
In any case, I am looking to create an art piece more so than a commercial webpage.