Laptop Comps
Food Menu
Tablet Comps
Food Menu
Smartphone Comps
Food Menu
10 Things working
*Color Palette
*Good Logo Redesign
*Buttons are working
*Futura is working
*Dont keep the pictures that the website has
*Hamburger menu works well
*Keep the address and phone at the top
*Image works really well with all three devices
*Keep the description of the items
*keep the red color in the buttons to state which page you are on
10 Things that are not working
*Plain background
*Add background to make type pop
*Change color for the price
*Incorporate color in the menu
*Add buttons to the homepage for tablet and laptop comps
*Change organization for the menu page
*Use a different type for the description on the menu page
*Needs a footer
*Add social media icons
*Be consitent with margin size for the screens