Market Research

I started market research with the Yelp App, and my goal was to find and compare high-rated burger places, what their websites look like, what is similar, and their differences. For the redesign, I chose the Humble Potato restaurant. And as competitors, I choose Black Sheep Burgers, HIHO Cheeseburger, and Hopdoddy restaurants.

Hample Potato


What Works

What Doesn't Work


Target Audience (Age 1-100)

For this project, I want to transform the Humble Potato website with bright colors and images of their food, and with the help of design, I'll try to convey the restaurant's atmosphere. I plan to re-type the menu on the menu page and to add more pictures.

Competitor # 1 HIHO Cheeseburger


As soon as you see the main page, a high-quality photo immediately attracts attention, and the color scheme is also successful for this restaurant. I like how the menu page is built: beautiful typography choice and clean presentation of information.

Competitor # 2 Hopdoddy


Like HIHO this website has a perfect color palette, a photo gallery with pictures that stand for the place's atmosphere, and well-structured information on the main page. It is easy to find the most important information, and the site is responsive.

Competitor # 3 Black Sheep Burgers


This website looks for me more like a fancy restaurant rather burger place. I'm not sure that the left navigation menu was a good idea, but it is still easy to navigate. It seems that the footer should be shorter, and social media icons should be more significant. The website is mobile-friendly.